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Nachbarschaftshaus Pfefferwerk
Prenzlauer Berg

Fehrbelliner Str. 92

10119 Berlin​

St.Martha Church, parish house

Glogauer Str. 22

10999 Berlin

Introducing: Our most popular course is now avalaible also in English.

From first aid essentials to life-saving procedures, it's worth to know

what you are doing to cope with life's little (and big) emergencies.

We offer this course in First aid for baby and child to teach parents,

grandparents, nurses, nannies, babysitters, and au-pairs, how to

respond calmly and confidently in case of an emergency.

Learn simple solutions for little problems and learn to respond in the first

critical moments after serious accidents, until professional help arrives.

We sell our tickets on Shopify

First aid Baby&Children Quick course

Our crash course is aimed at parents who can't attend a full-day course because of a busy schedule.

In our new compact and intensive course format, you will learn all the important contents of first aid for your baby and toddler in just one evening in 3 hours.

Our instructors are loving parents, trained paramedics and performers.




Emergency call - Vital functions - Basic life support - Unconsciousness Prone position - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in infants/toddlers Dangerous bleeding - Foreign bodies in the airways - Pseudocroup Epiglottitis - Bronchial asthma - Sudden infant death syndrome - Infectious diseases Fractures - Wound care - Burns - Poisoning.


Kaffeehaus / Ecke Kurfürstendamm 101

Joachim-Friedrich-Str. 42 

10711 Berlin


Time: 5pm-8pm


59€ single ticket / 99€ couple ticket

All offers are not-binding and noncommittal.

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